Enrolment options

Social Policy & Practice 7312

There are the three learning outcomes for this paper. The focus will be on the relevance of policy to social work.

Learning Outcomes
Following the successful completion of this course the student will be able to:
1. Critically examine policies that inform and guide social service provision in the community.
2. Undertake the processes of policy analysis.
3. Critique a set piece of policy in terms of its strategic contribution to national policy and its impact
within a specific community.

The learning will be grouped in three modules:

1.Exploring policy, definitions, frameworks, ideologies and role in wellbeing
2.Policy Perspectives: families, family violence; child protection; environmental social work
(Also students will be able to choose a focus relating to disability, older people, drugs & alcohol, abortion law reform, LGBTI policy, criminal justice, mental health & refugees in Aotearoa)
3.Social Policy, Social Work & Social Change Case studies

A useful and recommended text is Maidment, J & Beddoe, E. (Eds.).(2016) Social Policy for Social Work and Human Services in Aotearoa New Zealand:diverse perspectives Canterbury University press.

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